I never knitted a beaded scarf...or a beaded anything before. Tracy of Interlacements asked me to make a sample of it for her. I'm crossing my fingers I can either wear it or have it displayed at Stitches West in February! If I can stop having way too much homework to finish it. I took my knitting to New Orleans hoping to get a little bit of it finished, instead, I built a library and taught kindergarten. (Not that I'm complaining...NOLA was AMAZING!)

From Left to Right: Tim, Carrie, Andrea, eM, Rachel, Katie B, Brittany, Katie H, Dr. Meidl, Lauren and Noelle. We were outside of the main office at Morris Jeff School on our last day there:( We miss it!
Since we were pretty much full time teachers...the whole "knitting durning down time" turned into eating Binnets at the French Quarter and sleeping in a hostile with 45 other people. Sleep was a luxury and didn't happen for more than 5 hours at a time. Which explains why I didn't knit anything during that trip.
Like I said, great time, just not a lot of knitting time. Hence, I'm behind.
Currently, I'm about a 1/3 way done with it. My goal is to finish before Stitches 2011!!
Knitting with beads is hard, at least at first. I felt very clumsy while trying to perfect the knitted ridges of the scarf. Now that I have past the decreases, it is a lot more flowing than before. We shall see when I cast on for the other side if I am as clumsy.
Supposedly, solid colors are in fashion this year. At first I was a little discouraged about the colors. Black Tiny Toes Yarn and Black Metallic beads...it's like I'm knitting for my mom again:/ But, I was wrong and love the make up of the scarf. I think it looks classy and artistic at the same time. It's like my mom and my fashion sense combined into one!
This scarf is really pretty and feels great to knit up. You can check out kits to make this scarf at the Interlacements Yarn Website.
Woah! Wait a minute I thought that our quest was together make all 60 quick knits not a competition to see who can make more!
Got Rejected?
You can't do nothing more than don't be surprised all of the things for more information about are worried your way any and all a short time If going to be the reactions back and forth from going to be the person you're trying for additional details on woo 're negative,your family need for more information on just be the case polite and also keep moving on Don't do nothing more than frown at them along with stomp ially saying foolish information because if they hear aspect it you could sever your friendships allowing you to have them too!
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