I also wanted to talk more about knitting for others... but in a good sense this time. Below are pics from our First Annual Purse Exchange from Xmas 2008!!! From left to right: Julia, Jean-Marie, Myself and Vanessa at Barns and Noble the Wednesday before Xmas:) HO! HO! HO!

Our purse exchange required thought into creating and knitting/crocheting our purses. This means that we made purses for our buddy based on their personality. We had to spend between $20-25 (for a decent purse that's about how much you have to spend anyways) and we had to purchase the yarn at Loops and Links (our favorite LYS!) It was a great success.... at first I had no idea what to make for my person. I got my friend, Jean-Marie, however Jean is picky... I always kept thinking of that lime green and black scarf that she kept wearing so I eventually decided to make her a green and black felted purse. Although the purse ended up very cool looking I had to give it to her quite wet because I felted it earlier that day [and forgot to blow dry it!] Ooops! Julia's purse was a jean purse to fit her "comfort" personality, mine was a school teacher purse to fit my "childlike" personality [the girls insisted that it was the "Em[ma] acts like a big kid instead of the negative side of things, aka being immature] Jean-Marie got an alien bag to fufill her "science fiction" and Vanessa got a bag based on her favorite colors. All and all I think that this party was a huge success and I believe we will be doing this in the near future, hopefully with more people involved [anybody wanna knit a purse for next Xmas??]
Here is what each of our purses look like up close and personal

Julia's Purse [from Vanessa]

My Purse [from Julia] [note the hat I am wearing, I made it myself!]

Jean-Maire's purse [from me]

Vanessa's purse [from Jean-Marie] [Jean-Marie also made that green sweater Vanessa is wearing last summer while she was Europe!]
Aren't they amazing???
Next year we are going to do this again---it was a quick and cheap way to give our friends a gift without worrying too much about what to do.
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