to my right: Nina's Glove...pattern from Stich'n'Bitch Nation! I didn't use the cabeling pattern due to shortage of time. Galway Wool from Loops and Links was used to make this glove.
Above: Mark's glove for Xmas, from Broccos', wonderful pattern! The easiest pattern for gloves I have come across, no I-cord and no I-glove...both which are very evil and hard to do if you are just starting out on dpns and venturing into gloves. Yarn presented is Benard's Cami yarn.
The one to the right: my very own glove pattern, made for one of my co-workers at Resurrection
Fun stuff to do!!
Many people shy away from mittens/gloves because of the big scarey thumb! I say the hell with that!! it's so soo col see a thumb just pop out of nowhere!! But don't get me wrong, they can be tricky animals at times though becuase every hand is different. I recemmend tracing the owner of the mitten's hand on a piece of paper. This way you always have their measurments without a bunch of random numbers floating around. I made a few mittens. I have been making them for xmas gifts.
Knitting on straight needles may cause one to have a seam, but they aren't as bad as one may think. A little tip I learned, knit 3, add marker, k1 m1, k1, add marker and knit the rest of the row. on the other side, knit all the stiches except for the last five, add marker, k1, m1, k1 and knit the last three. The seam ends up on the side by the thumb...and it's easier to sew up because all of your sewing is in one area. Most of my mittens take only about an hour to make. And they look cool on both straight and double pointed needles.
Double pointed needles are fun to use too. I would recemmend using bamboo or wooden dpns, becuase they hold the yarn better!! No seams at all. If you have the knowledage/skill to use them I would! I hate sewing seams up. If you don't sew them up right you get a big buldge and it sucks majorally! I always get my friend Jean-Maire to sew them up becuase she is the whiz at sewing seams.
My new pattern! Pattern number two!!
Emmy's Mittens:
100% wool Galamore Yarn 210 yards
1 skien, unless doubled
co 25 stiches
k in garter stich for three inches
next row: k 3 add marker k1, m1, k1, add marker
k in st st m1 after knitting first stich after marker, increase on right side only
contuine for two inches.
Place stiches on a holder, k for 2-3 inches, depending on the lengh of your pinky
k2, k2tog, k rest of row
p every other side
k next side
next row: k2tog
contuine in this pattern from * to * under mitten is as long as your hand.
cut at 12 inch tail
k stiches on to a 'dead' piece of yarn, pull stiches tight and tie off, sew up
k 3 rows in st st
k2tog k rest
p wrong side
repeat until length desired,
cut 6" of yarn k stiches in them and pull tight
sew up
for the other side: k 20, pm, k1, m1, k1, pm, k3 and contuine as written
Celebrate you are done!!!