This is part two of the double feature blog today, please refer to the previous blog before you read this one:
The pic to my right is one of my favorite pics with the hat!
The far pic to my right was the one I used for when I was auditiong for the fourth Home Alone (JK-but they should have stopped after the second one. The third was would have been considered cute IF the first two were not created. But I am serious here, there are four HomeAlone Movies out) I was having a hard time incoporating the entire winter set into one pic but this is my most creative way of including all three for now.
NOTE: At the time I took the photos in the pink I did not have the materials to add the pom-pom. That is why I retook photos in the yellow shirt. (the shit that says Panic! At the Disco...great band!)
See how the hat doesn't cover all of my ear? This is even after I did add rows before I competly shaped the top. But as I said before, add about two-three more rows of cabeling (so the hat is about 7 inches) before you shape the top. The hat will fit so much better.

Even though I had several issues with the Jellybean hat it was worth the time! I recemmend using the pattern becuase it was very creativialy made, the only down fall is and will always be the failure for the creater to make the hat long enough to accomdate everybody's needs.
As for the mitten set...do NOT use The Knit this Pattern and Insturctions Everything You Need to Knit book. Then again I have had several issues with this series of knitting materials.
The hat scarf and mitten set is a go!